Our Services
Wampum Records will meet your project objectives through diligent research and sound policy advice. Our goal is to provide a final product that exceeds your expectations.
As Canada’s largest Indigenous issues research and consulting firm we offer a wide range of services. We have been retained by the federal government to help with Canada’s national research needs. Indigenous communities and organizations have utilized our services to further advance their project mandates. Concerned NGO’s, professors and Institutes have hired our company to complement their ongoing program and research activities.
Wampum Records provides research and policy development services on:
- archival and historical projects
- social and cultural issues
- legal issues and resolution
- education and Life Long Learning
- economic development
- socio-political and socio-economic topics
- treaty issues
- housing and youth issues
- health matters, and
- cross-cultural communication training
Our consultants include lawyers, professors, historians, anthropologists, archivists and technical specialists, as well as many other professions. Whether your requirement is large or small we will assemble the right project team to fulfill your project requirements.
Wampum Records will be your best choice whether you require a single research report or whether you have a long-term and ongoing research requirement. With over one hundred consultants of varying backgrounds we feel that Wampum Records can manage any project that you may have. Please contact us to find out how we can manage your research and needs.