About Us
About Us
“Leaders In Indigenous Research"
Since its foundation in 2001, Wampum Records has become Canada's largest Indigenous issues research and consulting firm. Today we serve a varied clientele of governments, organizations, and institutions of higher learning.
Our team is among the most experienced in the country when it comes to providing consultant services as they relate to the resolution of outstanding Indigenous issues in Canada. Biographies of some of our team members are provided below. The company maintains access to several dozen additional consultants with specialized education and experience. Please feel free to contact us with regards to your specific project requirements.
Executive Team
At Wampum Records, our consultants will bring a wealth of experience to your project needs. Our consultants come from a variety of educational and experiential backgrounds. We bring over twenty-five years of consulting services with a focus on Indigenous relations, specifically Indigenous Claims.

Research Director - Taynar Simpson
Chief Taynar Simpson has dedicated his life and career to the advancement of Indigenous causes in Canada. For nearly thirty years, Taynar has been involved in the National dialogue surrounding the advancement of Indigenous people in Canada. For the past 25 years, Chief Simpson has been leading national reconciliation projects.
At National Defence Headquarters in the mid-1990’s, Taynar was part of the team that brought Employment Equity and gender integration to the Canadian Forces. In the late 1990’s, he started working on the Indian Residential School (IRS) litigation, IRS Alternative Dispute Resolution and eventually the IRS Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) process that started in 2006. Other positions include Communications Analyst at both INAC and the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), Policy Analyst in Socio-Economic Policy and Programming at INAC and field reporter for Windspeaker news magazine.
In 2000, Taynar consolidated his experience by forming the company, Wampum Records. Since then, his company has become Canada’s premier research and consulting company on Indigenous issues. Wampum Records has led the research on Indian residential schools resolution, Day Schools resolution, and Sixties Scoop resolution. Recently, Taynar was the project lead for the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) which identified the thousands of children who perished at Canada’s residential schools.
Taynar has sat on several Boards and Trusts. These include Chairman of the Board of Alderville Solar Inc. which is Canada’s largest wholly Indigenous-owned energy project. He is currently the vice-Chair of the Dnaagdawenmag Binnoojiiyag Child and Family Services (DBCFS) Board of Directors. Chief Simpson is also the vice-Chair of the Ogemawahj Tribal Council (OTC) which represents the interest of 6 local First Nation communities. Taynar has been a Trustee on both the Alderville Williams Treaty Settlement Agreement Trust (AWTSAT) and the Alderville Community Trust (ACT). Taynar currently serves as the Chief of Alderville First Nation where he previously held the role of Councillor. Chief Simpson is looking forward to bringing his experience and knowledge to his new role to help guide First Nations through the new era of reconciliation in Canada.
Office Manager - Daryl Crowe
Daryl is the Office Manager/ACSO for Wampum Records assisting with federal proposals, managing personnel and organization security while overseeing day to day operations regarding various projects for the ISC, the NCTR, and First Nation Communities. Daryl has completed certification through Algoma University in First Nation Social Service Administration and First Nation Social Policy and Community Development with over 15 years experience working with First Nations in various capacities.
National Research Team
Thea Udd - Senior Researcher
Thea is a veteran researcher with more than two decades of developing, supporting, directing, and assuring the highest standards of quality for the vast majority of research projects at ISC (Inuit Relocation, National Class Action, ATIP, Litigation, ADR, CEP, IAP, Article 12, Day Schools, etc.). As both a contractor and an employee, she has become a sought-after research consultant for new projects and an invaluable and informed historical reference source. During this time Thea has led research teams, worked extensively at the National Archives of Canada, and provided unparalleled wisdom and insight to her colleagues. Thea holds a Masters of Anthropology (Highest Honors) from Carleton University, where she taught a number of courses in the Social Sciences and English Departments. In addition to her work at ISC, Thea has been called upon to help Fortune 500 companies and the private sector with social context consulting and advising on Canadian First Nations. Thea has also exceled at providing research services to Indigenous groups and organizations, as well as to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation on a number of diverse topics and projects. Thea is a brilliant leader, outstanding team player, and a pleasure to work with. She is also bilingual and has current security clearance.
Catherine Clermont
Catherine is a skilled and experienced researcher having managed projects and produced publications on a variety of social issues in Canada including literacy, child poverty, child welfare and foster care. Since 1998 Catherine has researched Indigenous issues including residential and day schools, boarding homes, sixties scoop, hospitals, foster care, and missing children. For over twenty years she has provided research services for projects with Indigenous Affairs and more recently with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Catherine completed an undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Alberta and post-graduate work in Sociology at Queen’s University in Kingston.
Daniel Cleasby
Daniel has a legal background and has worked on Indigenous historical research since 2006. For many years he worked on the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA), providing valuable research and quality control on Alternative Dispute Resolution, the Common Experience Payment, and Independent Assessment Process. More recently, he has written reports and performed file review at Library and Archives Canada for other projects such as Day Schools, indigenous hospitals, Specific Claims, and non-federal residential institutions, as well as working with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation on Missing Children and Unmarked Burials.
Michael Kitching
Michael has over a decade of experience in research and analysis, report writing and providing advice and recommendations to leadership. Much of his work has contributed directly to Indigenous reconciliation efforts including researching Residential Schools, Day Schools and Missing Children and Burial Grounds. Michael has established an excellent reputation for leading projects from planning to completion and collaborating with diverse teams. In addition to holding a degree in History (Hons.), Michael is a lifelong learner who completed a multidisciplinary MA in 2020 and an Economics certificate in 2023. He has studied Russian and German and is currently working to improve his French language skills.
Martine Carinci
Martine is a senior bilingual researcher with 37 years of bibliographic document and 11 years of Indigenous historical record research expertise. She has worked as a library technician for the National Library of Canada, and the Ottawa Public Library, and as senior research consultant on several projects at Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) including the Common Experience Payment (CEP), Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP), Advanced Payment (AP), Independent Assessment Process (IAP) and the Resolution and Individual Affairs (RIA) projects. Martine is also a co-founder and president of a non-profit charitable organization aiding over 100 families in the National Capital Region.
Victoria Pennell
Victoria Pennell is a service-driven individual with a keen passion for providing sustainable support and strategic guidance in operations management and administration with over 16 years of experience working in a federal political office. During this time, she has completed extensive online research for constituents and politicians, including traditional research at Library and Archives Canada. Most recently, she was the Assistant Project Manager for the Survivor Inquiries project with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Victoria has completed an undergraduate degree in pollical science at the University of Ottawa.
Contact us Today!
If you have any questions pertaining to our services then please call
Taynar Simpson at (289) 251-0616